COVID vs the Flu

By |2020-07-21T18:54:35-04:00July 13th, 2020|Categories: Society|Tags: , , , , |

COVID-19 Versus Influenza Just Plain Wrong Costs Lives What do we call people who think COVID is at worst a hoax, and at least over-hyped? They are not so much Corona deniers as they are diminishers. What’s the fuss?  Nothing out of the ordinary here. The annual flu kills more people worldwide than COVID has so far. Governments are either acting like old ladies with the vapors or plotting to restrict our freedoms for a host of nefarious reasons -- please fill in the blank with your favorite conspiracy theory.   To make [...]

Camera Obscura

By |2020-05-01T13:59:42-04:00May 1st, 2020|Categories: Ourselves|Tags: , , |

Camera Obscura I Have Cobwebs in My Eyes I have cobwebs in my eyes -- real or metaphorical? Real says the white coat -- fluid detaches, hardens, black strings float like spastic spiders  on the edges of my view. What of my mind’s eye -- something skitters in there too. Intimations, divinations flicker and dance I seek for clarity, a more piercing glance,  I have cobwebs.  - by C. Christian Dick